Fun for the Brass Instrument Fanatic


I’m retired from business now, but still add content to this website often. I still take on interesting antique and vintage restoration projects as i am able to (I have a small stock of parts for Bach, Olds, Benge, calicchio, besson and others).

This website is intended to show my work and interests.  I have a passion for learning and sharing the history of the brass instrument industry and the instruments produced.  I try to present this in the many pages linked through the gallery below.


I’m compiling a database of all known Courtois cornets made before world war one, with serial numbers, medal dates and other data. Please email me with data from your Courtois cornets.




Browse photos of historic brass instruments

and read the history and technical details.

Visit the Brass Museum


On various brass topics, including trumpet and cornet origins.

View Index of Essays


View examples of restoration projects

and descriptions.

Visit Restoration Page


This section covers all topics relating to the mechanics of brass instruments including repairs.

Learn More


Unusual instruments, both newly made

and modifications of existing instruments.

Gallery of Projects

History of makers

Pages with histories of brass instrument makers, listed alphabetically, with photos of their products.

View Index of Makers

interview by Chris Troiano and Stephen cannistracci:

Conical Supremacy3.JPG