There are over 400 pages of content on this website, mostly covering historical brass instruments and makers.  These are all accessible through the gallery of links on my home page and some of my most recent additions are linked below.  Each page includes description and photos illustrating the topic.  I always invite corrections of errors that I've made or any additional information.  For more about this website and my business, click "About" above.

Recently added or updated Pages:

March 4, 2025: Petit Saxhorn Suraigu

November 7, 2024: Soprano Cornets by Antoine Courtois

October 11, 2024: Updated History of Benjamin Franklin Richardson

September 25, 2024: Antoine Courtois Cornet Serial Number List, 1853 to 1901

August 31, 2024: Antoine Courtois’ Bell Markings, 1844 to 1910

July 2, 2024: More Facts About Courtois’ Koenig’s Model Cornets

July 2, 2024: Another Olds Recording/Super Trumpet Like Uan Rasey’s

May 25, 2024: Solid Silver Soprano Made by Allen, New York

February 4, 2024: 19th Century Orchestral Trumpets by Courtois

November 11, 2023: “Convertible” Instruments by Graves & Co.

November 11, 2023: Bb Cornets with Bells Over the Shoulder by Graves & Co.

September 16, 2023: Alto Horn by Graves & Co.

March 25, 2023: F.E. Olds & Son Catalogs from the 1930s and 1940s

January 29, 2023: Henry Sibley, Boston Machinist and Keyed Bugle Maker

January 25, 2023: Olds Pocket Cornets and Trumpets

December 28, 2022: E.G. Wright, Early American Brass Instrument Maker

October 23, 2022: Early English Cornets, called “Cornopeans”

August 21, 2022: Gustave Besson’s Factory and Family

July 25, 2022: Besson Cornet #3, circa 1848

May 9, 2022: Soldering on Brass Instruments

April 14, 2022: Henry Lehnert’s Centennial Models

March 24, 2022: Keyed and Valve Bugle by Joseph Higham

March 18, 2022: Original Olds Trombone Patent by George Riblet

February 10, 2022: Another Dresden Keyed Bugle

December 27. 2021: George McFadden, New Biography

November 8, 2021: Unique Instruments by F.E. Olds & Son

September 20, 2021: Double Piston Valve Cornet by E.G. Wright

July 12, 2021: High Pitch, Low Pitch and Modern Pitch

June 21, 2021: The History of the Orchestral Trumpet of the Nineteenth Century, by Dr. Richard Birkemeier

May 17, 2021: Olds Radio and Military Model Cornets

April 3, 2021: Eb Keyed Bugle by James Keat for Graves & Co.

March 5, 2021: Rebuilding a Courtois Trumpet from 1870

March 1, 2021: Repairing Trombone Slide Action

February 8, 2021: Post Horn by Isaac Fiske, 1843

January 25, 3021: Boston Earnest Williams Presentation Cornet

January 21, 2021: Update to “Making Small Crooks”

December 14, 2020: Early German Bb Trumpet with “Vienna Valves”

July 16, 2020: Plating and Refitting Piston Valves

June 26, 2020 : More Fun Flugelhorn